How do I change what correspondence I or someone else receives from TMNZ when transacting on behalf of a taxpayer?

How do I change what correspondence I or someone else receives from TMNZ when transacting on behalf of a taxpayer?

How do I change what correspondence I or someone else receives from TMNZ when transacting on behalf of a taxpayer? 150 150 Support

To manipulate the correspondence you receive, select ‘Taxpayer Accounts’ from your home page (click the TMNZ logo in the top left to return home). From here you can manipulate the email preferences you receive in relation to every taxpayer you are connected to.

To manipulate the correspondence around a specific taxpayer, select the taxpayer using the navigation tool (located at the top of your screen). Once viewing them, select ‘Contacts’. From here you can view and edit all email preferences in relation to this taxpayer.

To manipulate all the correspondence a specific contact receives, select ‘Contacts’ from your home page (click the TMNZ logo in the top left to return home). Find the contact you are looking for and expand their name. From here is a list of their taxpayer accounts which you can manipulate their email preferences in relation to each one.

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