TMNZ Support

Find answers to common questions and walkthroughs of our Dashboard.

Navigating the TMNZ Dashboard

Getting started

A quick start guide on everything you need to do in order to defer your provisional tax and pay when it suits you.

Our guide is immediately below.

Anti-money laundering

Tax Management NZ (TMNZ) must now conduct a limited form of customer due diligence on all clients as part of recent changes to anti-money laundering (AML) requirements.

IR Data Connection

Our guide on helping tax agents get live taxpayer data from IR.

Search by topic below and click to see the full post

Getting started

Adding a taxpayer 150 150 Support

Adding a taxpayer

Quoting with TMNZ 150 150 Support

Quoting with TMNZ

Accepting a quote 150 150 Support

Accepting a quote

Payment instructions 150 150 Support

Payment instructions

Editing an arrangement 150 150 Support

Editing an arrangement

Adding a contact to a taxpayer 150 150 Support

Adding a contact to a taxpayer

Live IRD data

View details for an individual taxpayer using IR data 150 150 Support

View details for an individual taxpayer using IR data

Retrieve IR data for the Tax Calculator 150 150 Support

Retrieve IR data for the Tax Calculator

Enable live IR data 150 150 Support

Enable live IR data

Updating your existing IR connection 150 150 Support

Updating your existing IR connection

Example of terms for IR 150 150 Support

Example of terms for IR

Where can I find my Tax Agent ID and Client List ID 150 150 Support

Where can I find my Tax Agent ID and Client List ID

Using the TMNZ dashboard

What are the different types of roles an agent can have within a tax firm? 150 150 Support

What are the different types of roles an agent can have within a tax firm?

Do any rules apply to refunding or selling tax? 150 150 Support

Do any rules apply to refunding or selling tax?

Are you able to explain the different communication preferences? 150 150 Support

Are you able to explain the different communication preferences?

Adding taxpayer accounts and editing their details

Adding a taxpayer 150 150 Support

Adding a taxpayer

How do I add a taxpayer? 150 150 Support

How do I add a taxpayer?

What is the difference between a Flexi and Advantage account? 150 150 Support

What is the difference between a Flexi and Advantage account?


What is Flexitax®? 150 150 Support

What is Flexitax®?

What tax can I pay using Flexitax®? 150 150 Support

What tax can I pay using Flexitax®?

How long do I have to pay my off Flexitax® arrangement? 150 150 Support

How long do I have to pay my off Flexitax® arrangement?

When will my Flexitax® payment(s) show up in my IRD account? 150 150 Support

When will my Flexitax® payment(s) show up in my IRD account?

Can I make changes to my Flexitax® arrangement if I made an error? 150 150 Support

Can I make changes to my Flexitax® arrangement if I made an error?

How does Flexitax® work? 150 150 Support

How does Flexitax® work?

How do I pay my Flexitax® arrangement in instalments? 150 150 Support

How do I pay my Flexitax® arrangement in instalments?

Tax finance

How does Tax Finance work? 150 150 Support

How does Tax Finance work?

What do I do if I have a Tax Finance arrangement for the wrong tax? 150 150 Support

What do I do if I have a Tax Finance arrangement for the wrong tax?

Am I able to extend the length of my Tax Finance arrangement? 150 150 Support

Am I able to extend the length of my Tax Finance arrangement?

Why would my Tax Finance be lapsed? 150 150 Support

Why would my Tax Finance be lapsed?

What do I do if I want to lapse my Tax Finance? 150 150 Support

What do I do if I want to lapse my Tax Finance?

Can I use Tax Finance to defer other tax payments such as GST or PAYE? 150 150 Support

Can I use Tax Finance to defer other tax payments such as GST or PAYE?

What happens if I don’t pay the Tax Finance fee by the due date? 150 150 Support

What happens if I don’t pay the Tax Finance fee by the due date?

How does Tax Finance differ from Flexitax®? 150 150 Support

How does Tax Finance differ from Flexitax®?


What happens when an instalment payment is missed? 150 150 Support

What happens when an instalment payment is missed?

Paying with TMNZ

Payment changes for enhanced security 150 150 Support

Payment changes for enhanced security

What is Flexitax®? 150 150 Support

What is Flexitax®?

Can I use tax I have deposited into the pool be used for other tax payments? 150 150 Support

Can I use tax I have deposited into the pool be used for other tax payments?

What tax can I pay using Flexitax®? 150 150 Support

What tax can I pay using Flexitax®?

How long do I have to pay my off Flexitax® arrangement? 150 150 Support

How long do I have to pay my off Flexitax® arrangement?

How long do I have to pay for my reassessed tax through TMNZ? 150 150 Support

How long do I have to pay for my reassessed tax through TMNZ?

What if I pay into the wrong account? 150 150 Support

What if I pay into the wrong account?

What do I do if I have a Tax Finance arrangement for the wrong tax? 150 150 Support

What do I do if I have a Tax Finance arrangement for the wrong tax?

What do I do if I accidentally pay IRD directly? 150 150 Support

What do I do if I accidentally pay IRD directly?

Depositing into the TMNZ tax pool

Can I use tax I have deposited into the pool be used for other tax payments? 150 150 Support

Can I use tax I have deposited into the pool be used for other tax payments?

Do any rules apply to refunding or selling tax? 150 150 Support

Do any rules apply to refunding or selling tax?

How do I sell my tax? 150 150 Support

How do I sell my tax?

How do I transfer my tax pool deposits to IRD? 150 150 Support

How do I transfer my tax pool deposits to IRD?

Can I deposit tax for a group of entities? 150 150 Support

Can I deposit tax for a group of entities?

How can I get my deposited tax refunded if I need the funds? 150 150 Support

How can I get my deposited tax refunded if I need the funds?

What if I make a mistake on my transfers? 150 150 Support

What if I make a mistake on my transfers?

Audits and voluntary disclosures

How long do I have to pay for my reassessed tax through TMNZ? 150 150 Support

How long do I have to pay for my reassessed tax through TMNZ?

What criteria must I meet to settle historic income tax or other tax liabilities through TMNZ if I make a voluntary disclosure or am audited by IRD? 150 150 Support

What criteria must I meet to settle historic income tax or other tax liabilities through TMNZ if I make a voluntary disclosure or am audited by IRD?

I’ve filed my return(s) at the same time I made a voluntary disclosure. Can I settle the tax I owe through TMNZ to reduce interest and eliminate late payment penalties? 150 150 Support

I’ve filed my return(s) at the same time I made a voluntary disclosure. Can I settle the tax I owe through TMNZ to reduce interest and eliminate late payment penalties?

Why would IRD reject my payment? 150 150 Support

Why would IRD reject my payment?

How do I know the date my notice of reassessment was issued? 150 150 Support

How do I know the date my notice of reassessment was issued?

What reassessed tax types can TMNZ assist with? 150 150 Support

What reassessed tax types can TMNZ assist with?

Managing my firm

New email address 150 150 Support

New email address

What are the different types of roles an agent can have within a tax firm? 150 150 Support

What are the different types of roles an agent can have within a tax firm?

What is a private account setting? 150 150 Support

What is a private account setting?

Anti-money laundering (AML)

AML and the requirements for tax pooling 150 150 Support

AML and the requirements for tax pooling

TMNZ Transfers

Disallowed Transfers 150 150 Support

Disallowed Transfers


Using the TMNZ provisional tax payment reminder template in Xero 150 150 Support

Using the TMNZ provisional tax payment reminder template in Xero